What is the Hellenic Shiatsu Society?


The Hellenic Shiatsu Society (HSS) is a non-profit making organisation which was founded in 2000 with the purpose of developing the promotion and recognition of Shiatsu and to ensure the quality of practice.

The Accredited Members of the HSS have completed at least three years of study (according to EU guidelines), have been approved by the HSS for their theoretical and practical training, and are obliged to continue further education and to keep themselves abreast of developments in the field of Shiatsu.

Some of the objectives which are considered very important by the HSS are:

• the provision of reliable information pertaining to Shiatsu

• the promotion of scientific research on Shiatsu

• the pro bono application of this method to groups with special needs

The HSS’ efforts to promote these objectives, which concern the sound practice of Shiatsu, and to inform public bodies and academic institutions as well as the general public on these issues, are of a twofold importance. On the one hand the HSS members obtain a clear reference framework to develop their practice and on the other, interested persons receive reliable information, are made to feel secure and can consequently participate substantially in their choice.

Member of European Shiatsu Federation (ESF)

The Hellenic Shiatsu Society is a member of the European Shiatsu Federation (ESF) along with other National Associations of the European Union member states.

The objective of the European Shiatsu Federation is to collaborate with and coordinate the activities of the National Associations as well as to take action at a European level with the aim to achieve the recognition of Shiatsu throughout Europe.

The European Shiatsu Federation participates in the European Forum for Complementary and Alternative Methods (EFCAM), an organization which collaborates with the Commission. The members of EFCAM represent all the Complementary or Alternative Methods that are practiced in the European member states.